This area aims to help you understand the app and its features. Including how each of the modifiers have been implemented.

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Adept Roll works by simulating thousands of dice rolls to determine the average outcome.

During a game your attacking unit attacks an enemy maybe once or twice over the course of a game. Adept Roll simulates this attack sequence in full thousands of times, the results are stored and the average is determined from this set of data.

Adept Roll does not use mathematics and probablity formulas - doing so would mean this app would never have been built. It uses simulations because it is good enough and is easier to implement espeically when interactions such as rerolls, Sustained Hits, Lethal Hits, Devasting Wounds, etc.

Adept Roll Pro is accesible via an annual subscription

Subscribing to Adept Roll Pro gives you access to the below benefits. A full list of these options and their affects are available in this Help section and shown throughout the free verion of Adept Roll.

This feature is a work in progress. Upload unit screenshots from your favourite official and unoffical list builing apps.

For example; screenshot a unit from the Official Warhammer 40K app, this can be several images to ensure you capture all of the unit\'s ranged weapons, melee weapons and abilities. Then upload the images to Adept Roll and the app will attempt to read the data from the image and populate the form for you.

The profile can then be saved ready for use in the future. Or duplicated to make variations of the same unit.

The current limit is 5 images and 5 MB per image.

Attacks (A)

Number of Attacks.


This can be a positive number or a dice value. E.g. "10" or "D6" or "D3+3.

Ballistic Skill (BS)

Weapon's Ballistic Skill.


A positive number between 2 and 6.

BS can be blank if Auto Hit is enabled Globally for the Weapon Profile.

Strength (S)

Weapon's Strength.


A positive number. E.g. 4 or 24.

Armour Peneration (AP)

Weapon's Armour Peneration.


A positive number. E.g. 1 or 4. AP can be left blank or set to 0 for no AP.

A negative number can be used, -2 and 2 are treated the same.

Damage (D)

Weapon's Damage.


This can be a positive number or a dice value. E.g. "1" or "D3" or "D6+2".

Toughness (T)

Defender Toughness.


A positive number.

Wounds (W)

Defender Wounds.


A positive number.

Armour Save (Sv)

Defender's Armour Save.


This can be left blank or a positive between 2 and 6.

Invunerable Save (Inv)

Defender's Invunerable Save.


This can be left blank or a positive between 2 and 6.

+1 Hit

Adds 1 to dice rolls for determining a Hit.

+1 to Wound

Adds 1 to dice rolls for determining a Wound.

-1 Hit

Reduces dice rolls for determining a Hit by 1. This works correctly with Stealth for the Defender, e.g. a -1 to Hit and a -1 to Hit from Stealth is capped at -1.

-1 to Wound

Reduces dice rolls for determining a Wound by 1.

Reroll Hits

Reroll all dice which failed when determining a Hit.

Twin-Linked (Reroll Wounds)

Reroll all dice which failed when determining a Wound.

Reroll 1s to Hit

Reroll any 1s when determining a Hit.

Reroll 1s to Wound

Reroll any 1s when determining a Wound.

+1 Ballistic Skill

Adds 1 to the Ballistic Skill when determining a Hit roll. This can be used with +1 to Hit.

Auto Hit

It bypasses the Hit roll and marks all attacks as Hits. This bypasses the Hit roll, which bypasses Modifiers that require a Hit roll, e.g. Sustained Hits.

BS can be blank if Auto Hit is enabled Globally for the Weapon Profile.

Sustained Hits

It requires two inputs: the Hit roll required to generate a Sustained Hit and the number of Sustained Hits generated on success.

Lethal Hits

It requires a single input, the Hit roll required to generate a Lethal Hit. A Lethal Hit bypasses the Wound roll and bypasses any Modifiers that require a Wound roll, e.g. Devastating Wounds.

Fish for 6s to Hit

It is only used in conjunction with Reroll Hits. When turned on, this modifier will Reroll all hit rolls of 5 or less, even if they were successful in an attempt to generate more 6s.


It is only used when the number of defending models is input. An extra attack dice is rolled to hit for every 5 defending models.

Extra AP

Improve the AP by 1. This can be useful for comparing the effectiveness of a Stratagem or additional rule that can improve the AP of a weapon or unit.

Devastating Wounds

It requires a single input to set the required Wound roll to generate a Devastating Wound.

Anti X+

It requires a single input to set the required Wound roll for generating a Critical Wound roll vs. a target. Using Anti overrides the roll required for a Devastating Wound.

For example, using Anti 4+ with Devastating Wounds will generate a Devastating Wound on a Wound roll of 4+.

Fish for 6s to Wound

It is only used in conjunction with Reroll Wounds. When turned on, this modifier will Reroll all wound rolls of 5 or less, even if they were successful in an attempt to generate more 6s.

Fate Dice (Global only)

Turning this on generates a pool of Fate Dice to be used. You can select Damage, Hit or Wound roll as the preference for using a Fate Dice.

When using multiple weapon profiles the weapon with the best average damage is used for your Fate Dice.

'E.g you have a profile with 5 weapons. For each simulation a pool of Fate Dice is created. Each weapon\'s rolls are then done but the weapon with the best average damage will have one of their dice substituted for the highest Fate Dice.

Reroll 1 Hit & 1 Wound (Global only)

This allows for a single Hit and a single Wound to be rerolled for all weapon profiles. If more than one weapon profile is present, then the weapon with the best average damage gets to use these rerolls.

When ever you simulate an attack, the results are shown with and without modifiers.

This allows you to quickly see how the modifiers are affecting the results, without needing to create multiple profiles with and without modifiers. There are some modifiers which will always remain on, this is because their affects are a core game mechanic which is not optional through a Stratagem, a Leader, etc.

The following modifiers will remain on:

  • Blast
  • Auto Hit
  • All Defender Modifiers

Defender Modifiers are always kept on, as we assume the enemy is trying their best not to die.

-1 Damage

Reduce all damage by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Half Damage

Half all damage, rounding up.


Gives -1 to Hit to the Attacker. This works correctly with -1 to Hit for the Attacker, e.g. a -1 to Hit and a -1 to Hit from Stealth is capped at -1.

Feel No Pain

It requires a single input, which is the roll required for damage to be ignored from a Feel No Pain save.

Ignore Attack Dice

It requires a single input, which is the number of attack dice a Defender can ignore. Successful wound rolls will be ignored up to the number of Ignorable Attack Dice.

If there are multiple weapon profiles, then the successful wound rolls will be ignored only from any weapon with Devasting Wounds, if there are none then they will be used against the best average damage weapon.

E.g. a Defender can ignore 2 attack dice, and the Attacker has 3 weapon profiles. The best average damage weapon does 5.5 wounds (D6+2). The Defender then ignores the first 2 successful wound rolls from this weapon.


Melee attacks work exactly the same as ranged attacks. Just use Weapon Skill in place of Ballistic Skill.

Psychic attacks work exactly the same as ranged attacks.

Modifiers are split into Global Modifiers and Weapon Modifiers.

Global Modifiers are always used, even if a weapon profile has that Modifier off. This is useful for army-wide rules or unit rules that always affect attacks.

Weapon Modifiers can be turned on for specific weapons. For example, a tank has multiple weapons, the army has Lethal Hits, so this is turned on in Global Modifiers, and one weapon of the tank has Sustained Hits, so this Modifier is turned on for only that specific weapon.

Points cost can be input for the Attacker globally and per weapon.

Points per model can be input for the Defender along with the total Model Count for a Defending unit.

The points values are used to calculate a Return on Investment (ROI) or Points Efficiency. This calculation will output globally and per weapon depending on which points values are entered for the attacker.

The Defender Model count is used on the Statistics panel to show the percentage chance of destroying the unit entirely.

Adept Roll Pro allows for profiles to be exported and imported as JSON.

Attacker and Defender profiles can be stored elsewhere, or shared between your devices easily.

You may find that creating large numbers of similar profiles easier in JSON.

The Settings page allows you to export all profiles in one go as JSON Array. Import also supports multiple profiles.

For example a single profile export looks like this:

{"name": "Basic Troops","profiles":[{"name": "Basic Gun","attacks": "40","strength": 3,"bs": 4,"ap": 0,"damage": "1"}]}

For example multiple profiles are wrapped in []:

[{"name": "Veterans","profiles":[{"name": "Advanced Gun","attacks": "20","strength": 6,"bs": 4,"ap": 1,"damage": "2"}]},{"name": "Basic Troops","profiles":[{"name": "Basic Gun","attacks": "40","strength": 3,"bs": 4,"ap": 0,"damage": "1"}]}]

Adept Roll Pro allows users to focus on the units that matter most during tournament or game.

Tournament Mode allows you to pick a set of 1 or more tags for Attacker Profiles and Defender Profiles.

These are then the only profiles available while in Tournament Mode. This allows you store 100s of profiles, but brings the ones that matter to focus, when it matters.

For example you could be attending the LVO and only want to focus on your Astra Militarum profiles. You could tag all your Astra Militarum profiles with "LVO" and then only select that tag for the Attacker profiles.

Similarly for Defenders you could create Defender Profiles for the most prolific units you may face and then tag them by faction. When playing against Custodes you select the Custodes Tag for Defender Profiles in Tournament Mode.

You are now all set with just your Astra Militarum units for Attacking Profiles and just Custodes for Defending Profiles.

You can, if you wish, tag your Attacker and Defender Profiles.

Tags are used in Profile Searches on the Attacker and Defender Profile pages, making it easier to manage large numbers of profiles.

You can also use tags to group profiles together. For example, you could tag could tag using Faction Name or Unit Type.

There are some decision made by Adept Roll, these are based on what I think a person would do.

Damage Reroll

If Damage Reroll is enabled, and the Damage roll is less than the average, then the Damage roll is rerolled.

For example a result of 1 for D3 damage would be rerolled. And a result of 4 for D6 damage would not be rerolled.

Best average damage

Sometimes the app needs to determine which weapon has the best average damage output. This is simple when the Damage value is 1 or 3 or 12 for example. For other weapons with variable damage the average is calculated and used. E.g. the average damage of D6+1 is 4.5.